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First steps with Serverless Framework
Building a simple Telegram Bot
In this post I want to show how I build a simple Telegram bot using serverless functions and using a tool that helped me to develop and test everything locally. I have never built a Telegram bot before, nor have I developed anything serverless or programmed in JS, so it...
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Do I Need to test my code?
What should I test?
It is difficult to find any developer who does not agree with the title of this publication, even more, if asked in a job interview. Although, some developers took what Kent Beck once said “I get paid for code that works, not for tests” as a license to not create...
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Responsabilities of a Software Architect
Highlights and notes from the book Building Microservices
A Software Architect is like a Town Planner..
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TDD Estilo Londres
Test Driven Design
Hace ya algunos años se habla mucho de TDD; principalmente sobre como puede mejorar tu confianza en el código y a la vez de cierta forma documentar lo que se espera de él, facilitando la incorporación de otros desarrolladores y de nuevos features. Algunos lo llaman Test Driven Development, pero...
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